Varsity Creative is a creative agency and lifestyle apparel brand based in Columbus, Ohio. We are dedicated to helping businesses and individuals tell their stories and build their brands through the power of creativity.

Founded by Cole Susac and Traevon D’ier The VC brand is rooted in their love for sports and fitness. Varsity Creative's mascots, Bruce the Bulldog and Pablo the Bear, embody the spirit of Varsity Creative. Representing our commitment to helping our community achieve their goals. We use Bruce and Pablo to vicariously express our creativity and passion for sports and fitness, bringing our brand to life in a fun and engaging way.

In addition to our creative services and apparel, we are also excited to introduce our latest project: Varsity Club NFT. This non-fungible token project features our brand mascots, Bruce the Bulldog and Pablo the Bear. These unique digital assets can be collected and traded, and they offer a fun and exciting way to engage with our brand.

At Varsity Creative, we are constantly pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals.

cole susac

Hailing from a small town in Ohio, Susac is a former football player that turned into a powerlifter, graphic designer, podcaster, and photographer and still competes physically which is a testament to his dedication to physical fitness.

He is a self-taught creative and a graduate of The Ohio State University, who has mastered the art of graphic design and photography through hard work and determination.


Just a kid from Akron Ohio, Traevon D'ier is a former D1 track star turned powerlifter, podcaster, and photographer!

Traevon is also a self-taught creative photographer with a passion for vintage clothing style. Recently, he has become an NFT sensation, showcasing his talent and unique eye for art through digital mediums.


started from the bottom now they here.

The founders of Varsity Creative, Cole Susac and Traevon D'ier, both started their creative and business journey as unpaid interns. They taught themselves everything they know about branding, business, and the power of creativity, and have used this knowledge to build powerful brands for their clients. Their passion and dedication have helped Varsity Creative become a leading creative agency and lifestyle apparel brand, and they continue to push the boundaries of what's possible. Whether you need help with a creative project, want to update your wardrobe, or are looking to build a powerful brand, Cole and Traevon are ready to help you succeed.

into the metaverse.

The founders of Varsity Creative, Cole Susac and Traevon D'ier, are now applying their talents and skills to their new NFT project, Varsity Club NFT. This exciting new venture allows them to push the boundaries of creativity and offer their clients something truly unique. With Varsity Club NFT, they are bringing their passion for sports and fitness to the world of digital assets, and providing a fun and engaging way for clients to engage with their brand. Whether you're a collector, investor, or simply someone who loves sports and fitness, Varsity Club NFT has something for you.

doing it for future generations.

Their mission for the brand is simple: To be the inspiration that their younger self could have looked up to. Through their art & community, Traevon and Cole aim to build the Varsity Creative brand as an inspiration for future creatives and young hustlers.

question about your order, want some inspiration or advice? connect with us!

Also feel free to reach out on social! Our DM's are always open...

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